Passwords are the first line of defense for pretty much everything ... websites, email, laptops, desktop and mobile phones. Various password-cracking methods exist which use automated software to guess passwords; the three main methods are to use dictionary words, a combination of dictionary and other combinations (known as hybrid) and brute force which uses all possible methods and combinations.
The ideal password is long, complex, and easy-to-remember – but hard to break. Good passwords are often hard to remember so the examples below may help.
First pick a group of words
- I have a black labrador dog called charlie
- my house is in south-east london
- my favourite rock band is the beatles
- my favourite musical instrument is the saxophone
- I got married in paris in france
Take each first character and make a word
- ihabldcc
- mhiisel
- mfrbitb
- mfmiits
- igmipif
Add a random word at the end
- ihabldccapple
- mhiiselemail
- mfrbitbmicro
- mfmiitsred
- igmipifebay
Further strengthen
- ihabldcc@pple
- mhii$elemail
- mfrb1tbmicro
- mfmiits-red
- igmipif+ebay