About DataSecurityExpert.co.uk
This website is owned and administered by Graeme Batsman who is from London, England, UK.
How Did It All Begin?
Graeme first became interested in IT security when he was in his late teens. One day, he was about to buy a mobile phone on eBay, when suddenly the listing was cancelled and then the seller’s entire eBay ID was also cancelled. After a bit of research, he found it was a hijacked account and went on to investigate, catalogue and report on-line fraud (mostly PayPal and eBay). Around the same time, he ran on-line fraud-awareness websites and started working at the age of 18.
Brief Background
A mix of working in, training or consulting to retail, utilities, military, logistics, software vendor, finance, central government, law enforcement, small businesses and private clients for the last twenty years. For more details view LinkedIn.
As you can see from this website Graeme is an avid writer with 125+ articles listed here and elsewhere, and a chapter of a book published in September 2018: "Chapter 4: How to Defend" of "Cyber Security: Law and Guidance".
What Is Data Security?
Data, IT, network, information and cyber security all mean different things to different people. Back in 2012 when this website was founded, Graeme was doing data security which was/is focused around the protection of data, mainly: data archiving, destruction, encryption and backup. Though the name of this website suggests data security the content touches on a number of different "cyber" security topics.
Current Situation
Funnily enough Graeme works for a data security (protection) vendor which now matches up to this websites name!
- Details